Why you need to start running - Nike Vapormax

Currently I'm injured with the instruction of no exercise or physical activity for 6-12 weeks. One of the first things that crossed my mind was that I wouldn't be able to run for a while which got me onto thinking why this bothered me so much and what running actually means to me.

It's not so much the act of running itself that I will miss it's everything else that goes with it. All of the underlying benefits I get from it without even realising it. It's for this reason I find it hard to relate to people who don't run or just write it off as something 'they will never do' or are 'not capable' of doing. It's not that I'm judging those people it's just that I know that for me running has given me so much more than exercise and feeling fit.

First off, I'm not saying I am an excellent runner, I run around 2-3 times a week between 7-10kms. I don't do it to compete in marathons or events, I just do it for me and it gives me enormous clarity and a sense of wellbeing. It's my 'me time' and my opportunity to free my mind, connect with nature and have those all important light-bulb moments (I get all of my ideas when I'm running!).

A few years ago I was 'one of those' treadmill runners. Just running with more of a means to an end attitude - (I still run on the treadmill if I happen to be in a gym but it's not the 'real' running to me). When I started running outdoors and at different times of the day I started to notice the benefits it gave me. I started looking forward to that feeling of freedom, that sense of adventure, that escapism - not only physically but mentally. Running had become my meditation.

I love how I have grown with exercise and I have found my place in the gym, I have found which classes I enjoy (barre!!) and I will always be open to trying new ways to stay fit, but I also know that running will always be there as my base. Keeping me fit but also giving me my biggest form of stress relief and mental clarity. Giving me an opportunity to be outdoors with nature and give gratitude to the beautiful planet that we live in.

**this post is in collaboration with Nike Running for the release of their new  Nike Vapormax running shoe

Photos by @robmulally

If running is part of your life in any way or you are a beginner runner please comment below and let me know your feedback. I love to hear your comments and engage with my community x x 


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