The Brexit bowl: a message for solidarity

I feel compelled to write something about the recent events concerning Britain's referendum and the result to leave the EU. Being British in a foreign country has always felt strange to me...I mean I still refer to Britain as 'home' despite having lived in Australia for 7 years. I feel very 'at home' here in Sydney but I guess there will always be a part of me in the UK...especially whilst most of my family still resides there.

I'm sure all of you know the events which led to the EU being formed but just for a little bit of background: after World War II the devastation felt by many European countries was profound and in 1948 the Hague Congress was the first step in repairing this devastation. The main aim was to bring Europe together as one by creating movements such as the College of Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community, which eventually led to the treaty of Rome. Although the UK was not a signatory to the treaty of Rome initially, after three applications the UK finally got accepted and the European Economic Communities Act 1972 was enacted which led to the countries membership of the European Economic Community in 1973.

The idea was to promote economic co-operation, so that countries which trade together are less likely to go to war with each other. However, the EU has grown into something much bigger, now with it's own currency, it's own parliament and the ability to make decisions concerning the environment and transport for example.

So it's not surprising that Britains vote to leave the EU has not only shocked the world but has left Britain divided and somewhat paralysed until some sort of stability is regained. Whether or not this stability will emerge any time soon is doubtful. At present the divide is occurring between generations, classes, cities and towns and of course politically. This is the effect of living in a democracy.....and whilst I value the principles and freedoms associated with coming from a democratic country sometimes the consequences of a 51% vote can be harsh and devastating.

I don't really want to get into a political debate about Brexit as it is not something I want to cast any strong opinion main focus for this post was to create some awareness surrounding the unwarranted and disappointing spate of racist attacks that have swarmed the country. It is reported that hate crimes have risen 50% over four days which is absolutely shocking. Migrants have reported verbal abuse, xenophobia, cyber-bullying and in some extreme cases physical abuse. Thus dividing the country even further and something I'm sure the voters didn't anticipate in the wake of the 'leave' result.

So whilst there is a strong feeling that we would have been 'better together' turning the voice of the people feeling 'unattended by the political process' into something far more selfish and bitter is certainly not the answer. I have spent the last hour reading the slander that has been exercised and can honestly not be more outraged by the intolerant behaviour which has been quoted by the British press. Celebratory racism is not acceptable and whilst I understand the frustration and uncertainty that has just ensued the barefaced racism that is being reported is completely unwarranted.

Just like the 'i'll ride with you' campaign here in Sydney there has been a similar movement in Britain which started on Twitter. Asking anyone who is against the nationalistic and racist violence to identify themselves as a safe ally and wear a safety pin. Pledging to support people and to intervene or report if you see incidences of racial or xenophobic abuse. I would be donning my safety pin if I was in the UK so from half way around the world a simple recipe will have to do to show my support.

Now is the time to focus on solidarity and humanity during this time of unrest. 

You will need:

1 frozen banana

1/2 cup of frozen blueberries

1 cup of Almond Milk

1/2 cup of strawberries

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp chia seeds

1 tbsp acai powder


Edible flowers



  • Combine all of the ingredients (minus the topping) into a high speed blender. Blend until smooth.

  • Check the consistency, add more nut milk if too thick or more ice/frozen banana if too thin.

  • Garnish with the topping ingredients.

  • Enjoy x x

If you are a British National living away from home I'd love to hear how you are showing your support for solidarity x x


Delicious Halloumi and Quinoa Breakfast Salad : Slinkii


The tastiest Coconut and Strawberry Chia Pudding: Slinkii