Cacao cookies & cream


As I've said in other recipes I don't have a particularly sweet tooth! However, if I am caught out its nice to know that what I am consuming is all natural and not full of refined sugar (and who knows what else!). I have made a few batches of these and tried my best to make them vegan but it just did not seem to work for me with the cacao butter....I ended up with one huge cookie!! So, I'm sorry to all the vegans that are following me, I do on the other hand have a really nice recipe for vegan citrus cookies which you should check out!

These are tasty, oaty biscuits with crunchy activated buckwheat and a subtle hint of orange! I think it is the oats that make them really satisfying and a perfect accompaniment to that afternoon cuppa or a yummy warmed almond milk :)

You will need:

1/2 cup spelt flour

1/4 cup desiccated coconut

1/4 cup of activated buckwheat (buckinis)

1/2 cup rolled oats

2 tsps raw cacao

70g organic butter

1 tbsp honey (or maple/rice syrup)

1/2 tsp vanilla powder

1/4 tsp bi-carbonate of soda

zest of 1/2 orange

juice of 1/2 orange

1 tsp warm water


  • Preheat oven to 140C.

  • Mix the coconut, flour, buckinis and oats in a bowl

  • Melt the honey, butter and vanilla powder in a pan over a low heat until melted. Add the bicarb and mix until it foams.

  • Pour into the flour with the zest and juice of orange.

  • Mix well and form into balls.

  • Place on a baking tray and flatten.

  • Bake for 10-15 minutes (or until you can notice them going golden on the top)

  • Cool on tray

**for extra sweet cookies add in half a cup of coconut sugar to the melted butter mixture.For the CREAM:

  • make a basic almond milk

  • add in 1/2 cup of desiccated coconut, 1 tbsp of cacao nibs, 1 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 tsp of vanilla powder

  • Blend until warm. My Vitamix has a warming option, if your blender doesn't do this then warm in a pan once strained.

  • Strain through a nut milk bag

  • Serve

Enjoy x x  


Spicy vegan almond chai


Tropical smoothie