Carob banana smoothie

Yes I'm back on the smoothie bandwagon :) I've just finished my third week of the Matthew Kenney Raw Vegan chef course and cooking healthy, delicious food every day has ignited my food inspiration once again! I know the last couple of posts have been smoothie recipes but I feel like that is where it all started for me and recently I've been reminding myself of why I started all of this in the first place! I will be working on some delicious plant based recipes in the coming months so please keep your eyes peeled :)

I love this option with carob but it would be equally as nice with cacao as well!

You will need:

1 x cup of almond milk

1 tbsp carob powder

1 banana

1/2 tbsp agave or maple syrup

1 tbsp flax meal

1 tbsp coconut oil

2-4 blocks of ice

  • Combine all of the ingredients (minus the topping) into a high speed blender, I use my beloved vitamix. Blend until smooth.

  • Check the consistency, add more nut milk if too thick or more ice/frozen banana if too thin.

  • Garnish with cacao powder/bee pollen/

  • Enjoy x x


Morroccan spiced roasted sweet potato with cauliflower, kale and quinoa


Tea time smoothie: Matthew Kenney Cuisine