Home-made Hummus

I almost didn’t post this as my first ‘recipe’ as it’s so easy to make! But then I suppose I really want to share with you how eating healthy can be so easy, cost-effective, delicious and quick!!

Homemade hummus is something I have in my fridge all the time! I have a few little rules that I try not to break and one of them is that I don’t eat butter at home so hummus is one of my ‘butter’ alternatives. Chickpeas are high in fibre and protein so hummus is the perfect healthy switch.

It literally takes 2 minutes to make and is far tastier than shop bought hummus (and a LOT more cost effective!)

So here goes, for the basic Hummus base

You will need:

240g of cooked chickpeas

½ cup of water

3 tbsp. tahini

1 tbsp. Olive Oil

1 large garlic clove

Squeeze of half a lemon

Pinch of Paprika

1 tsp. ground cumin

Coriander or parsley leaves (optional)

Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Combine all the ingredients into a food processor preserving the salt and pepper and leaves. Blend and check consistency. Add more water or oil if necessary. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  2. Drizzle with olive oil and add a topping of your choice (see below)

*I like to add chilli flakes on top for a bit of a kick

*You can add a multitude of toppings, such as: caramelised onion, pesto, roasted aubergine (eggplant), olives and capers, fresh fennel and celery, fresh chives, roasted carrot, fresh herbs…the list goes on!

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please get in touch if you want to ask any further questions


My 'go to' smoothie