Pumpkin and sweet potato soup with spicy roasted chickpeas

YAY!!! It's soup season....and with the current cold snap in Sydney, this recipe couldn't have come at a better time!! I made a big batch and froze individual portions for my meal prep :) I've already eaten them out of the freezer and they were just as yummy as a freshly made batch! The chickpeas give the soup a bit of texture and crunch but feel free to leave out if you don't want them in. Alternatively, you could add the chickpeas without roasting them and they would be delicious in the soup :)

You will need

500g diced pumpkin

500g peel an and chopped sweet potato

1/2 a cauliflower

1 x brown onion

2 x carrots

1 x vegetable stock cube

1-2 tbsp olive oil


1l water


bunch of continental parsley

1 can of chickpeas



cayenne pepper

salt and pepper

olive oil

Serves 4


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C (fan forced)

  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan, cook the onion until softened. Add the carrot, pumpkin and sweet potato and cook for a few minutes until starting to soften. Next add the cauliflower until that softens.

  • Add the stock cube and water, bring to the boil. Reduce heat and allow to simmer.

  • Line a baking tray and add the chickpeas with the spices and a good glug of olive oil.  Roast until golden brown (around 20-30 mins).

  • Simmer the soup for around 30 minutes in total or until all the vegetables are cooked through.

  • Season soup to taste.

  • Blend the soup in a high speed blender.

  • Season to taste.

  • Serve by ladling into bowls.

  • Top with the roasted and crunchy chickpeas, chopped parsley and chilli oil.

  • Enjoy x x


Warm protein oats


Keto roasted cauliflower soup