Discover how to live an eco-friendly and sustainable life. Sophie is embracing slow fashion, natural homecare products, natural beauty and a waste-free mentality. She prioritises travel to eco-friendly resorts and is committed to reducing her carbon footprint.

Come and join her on her journey.

Living Living

City 2 Surf Run Club

CITY 2 SURF RUN CLUB ⭐️ I love to learn and I can’t remember a time I haven’t had a few books on the go, had a couple of courses coming up and been conscious of the awesome people I surround myself with (who teach me SO much)……

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Living Living

Is vegan fashion a thing ?? Dr Martens

Ohhhhh the whole topic of veganism is so tricky for me. It’s safe to say that a lot of my recipes are plant based with the exception of some vegetarian and pescatarian recipes and I would say I spend around 80% of my time eating a plant based diet.

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Living Living

How i organise my time effectively

I am NOT your typical ‘organised’ freak and to be honest I was always the messy one with scraps of paper everywhere, overdue bills to pay and drawers stuffed with bits of paper and lists I never got around to tackling……ya feel me?

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Living Living

How to tone up for summer - barre body

If you’ve been following my Instagram you will know that I have been doing Barre on and off for quite some time now! I LOVE Barre and I have noticed amazing improvements in my muscle tone especially in my problem areas (bum, thighs and hips!!)

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Living Living

Aerial Yoga: Skylab

On the night of the Rising Social Star party where I won the Fashion category Bonds handed me a large bag filled with their latest activewear range. They had a challenge for me and it needed to be completed within a week so that they could use it in their e-mag.

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