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  • Train

    My quick full body fat burning circuit

    If you’ve been following me on Instagram and Facebook you will have seen that recently I decided to start on my own 4 week challenge (i.e the one I coach all my clients on).…

    October 6, 2018
  • Health Train

    the motivation struggle

      HELPING YOU GET BACK INTO THE GYM AND CLEAN EATING AGAIN x x It’s nearly April (how did that happen?) ……………….and whilst some of us are seeing our new year health and fitness…

    August 27, 2016
  • Train

    Is trampolining a good workout? Skyzone

    As part of my Bonds ambassadorship I was asked to take part in a few ‘unusual’ ways to stay fit! One of the classes I went to was skyfit at the trampolining centre skyzone in Sydney. Skyfit…

    July 12, 2016
  • Train

    the key to training smart

    HOW TO KEEP THINGS INTERESTING IN YOUR TRAINING REGIME x x I thought I’d do a quick post on what I do to keep motivated and dedicated to my training! I know it may…

    April 18, 2016
  • Train


      So…its been  over a month ago that I started my getting back into it phase. I’ve pretty much only been eating clean and since January the 1st I’ve run every second day which has…

    January 30, 2016
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Sophie Benbow