Discover how to adopt Mindful living through easy, step by step instruction and immersive experiences. Let’s be Mindful together.
To find out about Sophie’s Mindfulness workshops please go here.
Using painting to 'let go' and to cultivate awareness in empowering women around the globe - Thankyou
Recently I had the pleasure of attending one of the most mindful events to date. It wasn’t hosted as a mindful event but I haven’t felt that present and focused in a while.
No one forgets their first Shakti - Meditation and muscle recovery with Shakti Mats
The Shakti Mat idea came from the ‘bed of nails’ practice that has been popular in Indian culture for more than 2000 years and is more commonly known as an ‘acupressure’ technique.
How to implement a daily gratitude practice
Developing an attitude of gratitude helps us want what we do have and not want what you don’t have, usually this is the other way around which can lead to immense dissatisfaction end emptiness.
Healing through metta (loving kindness) meditation
Metta meditation is SO extremely powerful. It sounds almost too simple to be effective. ‘Metta’ is a buddhist term which means loving, kindness or friendliness. Metta mindfulness meditation develops affectionate awareness.
Learning to switch off when meditation isn't your thing
For some of us the thought of meditation is not appealing at all (I used to fit into this bracket)….there is nothing wrong with that but finding alternative ways to quieten your mind can be so beneficial and can help you be more productive, sleep better, be calmer, have better relationships and limit stress to name but a few.
How to adopt a mindful night time routine
ohhhh sleep……..its something I’ve battled with my entire life…..well, until recently. Sure, I still have my restless night here and there (I am human) but on the whole I can safely say my sleep has improved, especially since introducing these ‘mindful’ techniques.
How to cope with loneliness: mindfulness practices
Some of you already know from my social posts that I am going through a break -up. It’s not something I really want to document in detail on the internet but I definitely don’t mind sharing what I’ve learnt and how I’m dealing with the situation.
Becoming a mindfulness & meditation teacher
At the end of last year I travelled to Bhutan and had the most amazing spiritual experience. I went on an awesome program called the Slow Change Experience – I met some beautiful people, I took part in so many mindfulness activities and I got to travel, see and explore Bhutan and it’s amazing culture.
How the negativity and trolls made me a stronger blogger
I had just finished my Law degree…..the job market was tough. I didn’t REALLY enjoy being a paralegal for a law firm…..and I was always the odd one out with the kale salad and gym bag in tow. I needed to use the other half of my brain…
How I'm starting my year with a plus: mindfulness meditation BUPA
BUPA recently asked me how I plan on starting 2017 with a Plus. This was excellent timing as I have just embarked on mindfulness and meditation as a way to counteract stress and live a more ‘present and ‘fulfilling’ life.
Creating the most perfect meditation space at home
As you all know my recent trip to Bhutan exposed me to meditation on a much deeper level. I’ve been so inspired by the whole experience that I wanted to create my own space at home and I thought I would share it with all of you!
Why cheat days are important: my guide
I wanted to mix it up a little bit and do a piece on ‘cheat days’ as the last post got me thinking about balance and adopting health as a lifestyle choice not an ‘all or nothing approach’.
Learning to switch off
In a world where we are constantly engaged on our phones, at work, on our computers and so on ‘learning to switch off’ can be something that is overlooked until you are so burnt out you need a holiday.
10 ways to de-clutter your life and relax
De-cluttering is something I find really hard! I am not one of those ‘neat-freaks’ with no paperwork in sight, no lists, no mood boards, lovely clean white lines in the office space…
How to create a mindful life : Swisse
‘Mindfulness’ is one of those words I find hard to define. Probably because it’s subjective and it can be based on emotion, experience, age, wisdom, priorities, timing, self-awareness and so on.
Yoga...beginners perspective
Yoga is not something I have fully embraced up until recently. I have a tendency to stray towards more energetic, heart racing activities (like running, boxing, barre etc) but I know that the real benefit yoga has for me is on a mental level, which I don’t necessarily get from my other exercises.
Be your own motivation
‘Fitness model’ was honestly something I never thought I’d add to my repertoire….I have had many unhealthy phases through my teenage years and twenties that…