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  • Lifestyle Press Style

    Bonds Mashup

      Recently Bonds asked me to do a little interview for them talking about my individual style and where I draw my inspiration from! It was so nice to work with one of my…

    August 8, 2017
  • Style

    Bonds SWIM S/S16

    Bonds have just launched their latest SWIM collection and I was lucky enough to have a sneak peek and try out the new styles 🙂 BONDS new SWIM collection is inspired from the ‘sun-kissed…

    September 4, 2016
  • Train

    Aerial Yoga: Skylab

    On the night of the Rising Social Star party where I won the Fashion category Bonds handed me a large bag filled with their latest activewear range. They had a challenge for me and it needed…

    August 14, 2016
  • Train

    Is trampolining a good workout? Skyzone

    As part of my Bonds ambassadorship I was asked to take part in a few ‘unusual’ ways to stay fit! One of the classes I went to was skyfit at the trampolining centre skyzone in Sydney. Skyfit…

    July 12, 2016
  • Style

    how to look chic in sneakers

    LOOKING CHIC WITH SNEAKERS…..yes, it can be done x x As promised in my last post, I would try and get some more ‘style’ edit’s for you! My blog is still so young I…

    April 8, 2016
  • Style

    Bondi Bonds

      STYLE POST ON BONDS x x I hope you all had an amazing Easter long weekend and are feeling inspired, excited and motivated to get back to clean living again! Since the launch…

    April 2, 2016
  • Style

    The plain tee: Bonds

    Whats not to love about a plain tee? You can dress it up or down and it will be your style staple throughout the year! Even though it’s ‘just a plain tee’ you can…

    March 27, 2016
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Sophie Benbow