5 minutes with Priceline sister Samantha Harris

Being a blogger has it's ups and downs, highs and lows like every job. There are good days and bad days, fast weeks and slow weeks.......but mostly as new opportunities arise and awesome collaborations present themselves, I've found I have spent the last 6 months of my new blogging adventure extremely excited and positively overwhelmed :)

Today was one of those days.....I was lucky enough to go to 'the Beauty Prescription' LIVE courtesy of Priceline. As you know Priceline have been great to me on my journey thus far and it's thanks to them that I actually entered the Rising Social Star competition....so thank you Priceline! Stocking hundreds of brands that I love and implementing a huge array of new and exciting natural skincare products (such as Swisse skincare) and natural makeup (such as Nude by Nature) and all the supplements, vegan protein powder and natural haircare that I could ever want!

The Beauty Prescription LIVE showcases all of the new products set to launch in the Priceline stores in the coming months and I got my hands on just a few (understatement!!) things that I can't wait to trial and share with all of you!

Amidst the frenzy of the make-up stalls, beauty counters and product demonstrations I took a quick 5 minutes to hang with the ever so beautiful and down to earth Samantha Harris. With Summer just around the corner I wanted to pick her brain about all things fitness and diet and hopefully get a few tips I can use myself and pass on to you guys!

Samantha is a renowned Indigenous Australian model, gracing covers such as Vogue, Miss Vogue and Womens weekly and recently she has been announced as Pricelines newest ambassador and Priceline sister!

5 minutes with Samantha Harris:

1. What does your fitness regime entail?‘I like to mix it up when I can and keep it interesting. I'm a member of Fitness First and my trainer does bootcamps so a lot of body weight fitness. I also try to do exercise outside such as running but it’s been so cold lately I want to try and get on top of that in the lead up to summer. Also I love to do reformer Pilates.'2. What is your favourite exercise?'I do love Pilates because it’s low impact but you can still definitely feel the burn.3. How do you stay on top of your exercise with all of the travel you do?'With exercise that gets tough.First and foremost I try to eat as well as I can as I think diet plays a really important role in general health and wellbeing. If I know I'm going away for a long time I will pack gym clothes and try and get to the gym at the hotel when I can'4. What about your diet? Do you have any dietary requirements or restrictions that you follow?'No not really....although sometimes I think it might be beneficial for me if I restricted bread from my diet!! I LOVE bread and I think that is fine as long as you follow a well balanced diet. I try and eat a high-protein diet and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and with that I will balance with carbs and the occasional sugary treat!5. How do you start your day? Do you have any rituals?'Something that I do every morning is have a teaspoon of coconut oil. I'm not sure how effective it is but I've heard it helps to maintain a healthy weight and burn energy. Apparently because it is a good fat it can help with general health and be good for your insides' (Coconut Oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial).

It was so nice to have a quick chat with Samantha today!

If you have any health or fitness tips you would like to share with me please leave me a comment below x x

Image courtesy of: Hamish Ta Me The National Portrait Gallery


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