From healthy smoothies to sugar free desserts, discover how to prepare simple healthy food that embraces a healthy lifestyle and mindfulness in one. If you are interested in Mindful Eating please go here.

Meal prep Meal prep

Minestrone Verde

Minestrone Verde is one of my favourite warming, comforting soups. I love the broth that accompanies the vegetables and pasta. I wanted to make something brothy with broccoli and beans and I came up with this.

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Meal prep Meal prep

Warm protein oats

It was a cold, wet, dark and dismal morning. I had walked to work at 5am and had stood training clients for 4 hours with soggy, wet trainers on (NOT recommended) and I was utterly freezing.

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Desserts Desserts

Sugar Free Fruit Crumble

I know I’ve said it before but fruit crumble is terribly nostalgic for me. Growing up in Wales my mum would regularly make crumble with the fruit we would harvest from the garden. Usually rhubarb, wild blackberries and apples.

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Desserts Desserts

Mango and coconut chia pudding

Chia Pudding is something you HAVE to add to your repertoire, it is so easy to make! It’s just chia seeds, nut milk and then leave it overnight….I mean, seriously?! You can get creative with what you add into your milk (like I did here) or you can keep it plain and add delicious toppings (or you can do both of course!).

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Desserts Desserts

The perfect cheat day treat: sweet nectar

Look…I’m not one to shy away from a cheat day treat BUT since becoming a bit more health conscious over the last few years even for my cheat meal I like to keep away from refined sugar and processed food. I recently tried Sweet Nectar desserts and I was SO impressed!

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Meal prep Meal prep

My spring time meal prep routine

As you know I’ve done lots of posts on the topic of meal prep. To be honest I can’t stand the word as it makes me think of 5 day old pieces of salmon with limp bits of broccoli – this doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest!

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