Discover how to adopt Mindful living through easy, step by step instruction and immersive experiences. Let’s be Mindful together.

To find out about Sophie’s Mindfulness workshops please go here.

Mindfulness Mindfulness

Identifying your being values

There are two types of values, values that represent feelings such as companionship, freedom and security and values that represent character traits. Being Values are associated with values that describe the character of the ideal person you would like to be.

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Mindfulness Mindfulness

Becoming a mindfulness & meditation teacher

At the end of last year I travelled to Bhutan and had the most amazing spiritual experience. I went on an awesome program called the Slow Change Experience – I met some beautiful people, I took part in so many mindfulness activities and I got to travel, see and explore Bhutan and it’s amazing culture.

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Learning to switch off

In a world where we are constantly engaged on our phones, at work, on our computers and so on ‘learning to switch off’ can be something that is overlooked until you are so burnt out you need a holiday.

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