doing 'nothing' makes you more productive

Doing 'nothing' makes you more productive! It's safe to say that having time to 'relax' these days can be a struggle. Monday to Friday is usually work and the weekends are crammed with all the other things you want to do and people you want to see. Even though that nice brunch by the harbour or that casual bit of window shopping on the way home from work all seems very 'relaxing' I don't think it really constitutes 'you time'.

I've constructed some things that I have learnt to implement into my weekly routine that help me 'relax' in the most authentic way possible:

  • breathe: sounds obvious but giving yourself a few minutes to notice your breath and bring your awareness back to yourself is really beneficial.

  • Practice Meditation or Yin Yoga. One hour of holding poses for five minutes at a time and being 'present' can sound confronting if you don't give yourself much time to relax in this way. If you are still not 100% invested in Meditation practice, Yin can be a great place to start as it still incorporates movement. You will definitely but notice how much calmer, less agitated and generally at peace you are.

  • schedule in some 'you time': I usually plan a hot epsom salt bath with a cup of tea and candles. Not only do the salts aid with muscle recovery it just gives you some time to close the door and block out the rest of the world for a while (no phones allowed)

  • create a sanctuary: I've mentioned this in one of my other posts but it makes such a difference if you create a calm, serene sleeping space. Somewhere you are longing to go to at the end of a busy day.

  • use positive strategies: I always buy fresh flowers and have them near my front door, I don't know why but it makes me feel calm and happy as I'm leaving the house into the big wide world and as I'm getting home. You could try this or maybe write some positive affirmations and scatter them in places you know you'll find them (in your handbag, in your clothes drawer, on your bedside table etc). Its amazing the power of positive words and actions.

  • don't feel guilty: strangely I felt guilty giving myself this time to zen out, i mean I need to go to the supermarket, schedule my hair appointment, pick up the dry cleaning and update my website........really all those things can wait and they are not life threatening so don't be a control freak and start sweating the smalls :) soon you'll be revelling in your own company!

  • enjoy it

x x


Balancing work life with healthy living