gluten-free crab, corn and chilli fritters

I have to say there was a bit of trial and error with this dish! I was a fritter virgin until I made these...which is quite surprising as they are so easy to throw together (as long as you get the measurements right!!). Also I used chickpea flour which I don't think binds the ingredients quite as well as something like brown rice flour. The chickpea flour still works but creates quite a delicate fritter that you have to be careful with when flipping over.

What i LOVE about this recipe though is that you can use a multitude of different ingredients to suit your dietary requirements. If you don't eat fish or seafood you can substitute this for other vegetables such as can add in feta, spinach, capsicum, get the picture! I happened to have some crab and corn in my fridge so I thought it would make a great combination with the chilli!

You will need:


100g fresh crab meat

150g cooked sweetcorn kernels

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1/2 red chilli

1-2 spring onions sliced

zest from one lime

juice from 1/2 lime

2 eggs

30g chickpea flour

salt and pepper

Yoghurt dressing:


1/2 cup of vegan (or natural, organic) yoghurt, I use coyo is coconuts

the juice of 1/4 lime

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1-2 tpsp olive oil

salt and pepper

serves 2-3


  • Place all of your ingredients for the yoghurt dressing into a bowl, combine and leave to one side.

  • Place all of the ingredients for the fritters into a large bowl, mix thoroughly to combine.

  • Heat some oil in a large frying pan.

  • Do a test fritter to see how it holds, if you need to add more flour do so.

  • Use around 2 tbsp of batter for each fritter and cook a few at a time in the same pan. They need a few minutes on each side (and be careful when you are flipping them!!)

  • Serve with the tougher dressing

  • Enjoy

  • x x

If you have any feedback or comments about this recipe or any of the other recipes please let me know and leave a little comment below x x 


Meal Prep 101 - Utensils


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