Guilt free breakfast recipes to get you through the week

Breakfast........something I used to skip (what was I thinking?) I can't function without nourishing myself upon rising :)

I thought I'd put together some of my favourite 'healthy' breakfasts for you to enjoy. Some of these are great for meal prep day and the smoothie I have been sorting into 'smoothie bags' so that you literally need to throw the pre-prepared ingredients into the blender with the coconut water and half a banana. Yes...I know everyone says it doesn't take long to prepare a smoothie but for me when its all there ready to go I find it much easier and more likely that I actually eat/drink it which helps me stay on track!

Now that we are coming into spring/summer I've included 'lighter' options to put a spring in your step as we don't want to be feeling heavy!

The essential green smoothie

This is my smoothie of the moment! I am loving the kick of spice that you get at the end! I have been doing a lot of meal prep recently and I've been making smoothie packs for this smoothie. So I just grab the pack out of my fridge and add coconut water and half a banana - easy!!

You will need:

1 cup of spinach

1 cup of kale

1 stalk celery

1 cup of coconut water

half a banana

1/2 green apple

1/2 a lemon juice and zest

Sprinkle of cinnamon

Sprinkle of turmeric

Sprinkle of cayenne

Sprinkle of maca powder

2 cups of ice

1 tsp melted coconut oil (optional)


  • Place all of the ingredients into a high speed blender. I use the Vitamix!!

  • Blend all of the ingredients to the desired consistency. Add more coconut water or filtered water if need be.

  • Pour into a glass and enjoy the green goodness!


  • If you prefer a milder 'green' smoothie, leave the kale out!

  • Enjoy x x

Yoghurt Parfait

These are great because you can make them in advance if you don't mind the muesli being soft. I like to use berries but you could use peach, apple, pear, passionfruit - any fruit really! Also you can use any type of yoghurt - I like to use coconut yoghurt as dairy yoghurt doesn't agree with my skin.

You will need:

150 - 200g yoghurt of your choice

100g of fruit - I use berries

drizzle of honey/maple syrup

Muesli of your choice - I use Freedom Barley +


  • Layer the yoghurt, then the fruit, then the muesli and then the honey.

  • Repeat

  • Place in the fridge to set

  • Enjoy x x

Apple Do Nots

These are more of a snack but they are so yummy and full of goodness. Perfect for the mid - morning munchie attack! You could use pears for these apple 'do-nots' too and you can use any healthy dip/spread/sprinkle/fruit to go on top...these are just a few of my favourite examples!

You will need:

2 x apples

1/4 lemon

organic nut butter (any type)

maple syrup/honey

fresh fruit

sprinkles: eg. chia seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut flakes

cottage cheese **optional


  • Core the apples and slice into rings.

  • Top with the juice of a 1/4 lemon

  • Arrange the slices and spread with your choice of nut butter/cottage cheese/maple syrup

  • Top with the fresh fruit and sprinkles

  • Enjoy x x

Quinoa Brekkie Muffins

These are great to use when you have leftover quinoa and are super quick and easy to make :) I have frozen batches of these and they defrost fine - it might depend on which vegies you use but with this combo - worked a treat!

You will need:

1 x tbsp of olive/coconut oil

4 x eggs

1 x cup of cooked quinoa

1/2 an onion

1/2 courgette (zucchini)

30g goats cheese, cut into small bitesize pieces

2 x sprigs of thyme

30g salmon** optional


  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. (I use fan forced)

  • Pan fry the onion in some olive/coconut oil. Add in the courgette and cook through. Put to one side.

  • Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat. Add in the courgette mix, goats cheese, thyme, quinoa and salmon and stir ingredients.

  • Line your ramekin dishes with baking paper.

  • Pour in the mixture

  • Place the ramekins into the oven and cook for 25 minutes.

  • Enjoy x x

** Feel free to have some avocado, cherry tomatoes and spinach on the side drizzled with lemon and olive oil.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Please let me know if you would like to see any other posts like this or if you would like to let me know what your favourite spring time recipes are!! x x 


My spring time meal prep routine


Cacao and Peppermint bliss balls