The healthiest 'nourish bowl' that will make you glow

Sometimes (...all the time!) I really crave a big bowl of fresh crunchy vegetables but I find it hard to bring in extra flavours to compliment the dish. I was searching for ways to have a nourishing bowl of goodness with a few tasty extras and I came up with this.

The great thing about this dish is that there is a good mix of protein, vegetables, good fats and greens and the possibilities are endless if you wanted to add in other ingredients.

You will need:

4 x big leaves of radicchio (if radicchio is too bitter you could use cos lettuce instead or any type of fresh greens really: kale, spinach etc)

1/2 a zucchini spiralised

1/2 a carrot spiralised

1/2 an avocado

1/2 a cucumber shredded/grated

1/4 cup of mung bean sprouts

1/4 cup of chopped cherry tomatoes

1/4 cup of kimchi

1/4 cup of pickled radish (see below)

2 tbsp of home-made hummus

1/2 cup of cauliflower rice (see below)

** optional extras: cooked salmon/fish, tofu, edamame beans etc

Serves 1

For the pickled radish (makes enough for at least 4 people):

10 small radish sliced

1/3 cup red wine vinegar

1/3 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1/3 cup coconut sugar

1cm piece of ginger diced

1 tsp of black peppercorns

pinch of salt

For the cauliflower rice (makes enough for 4 people as a side dish):

1/2 a cauliflower grated

pinch of chilli flakes

salt and pepper


  • Combine all of the ingredients for the pickled radish (apart from the radish) into a glass jar and stir. Place the sliced radish into the jar and stir again. Leave to one side or in the fridge for at least half an hour. This will keep for a week in the fridge.

  • Preheat your oven to 150 C. Dice the sweet potato and drizzle with coconut oil, chilli flakes and turmeric. Roast for 20-25 minutes (or until cooked)

  • Grate the cauliflower, heat some coconut oil in a pan and add the grated cauliflower. Reduce the heat and add in the seasoning, chilli (and any other spices/herbs you like). Be careful the cauliflower doesn't catch in the pan.

  • Spiralise the zucchini and carrot and leave to one side.

  • Chop avocado, tomato, cucumber and leave to one side.

  • Arrange all of the ingredients in a bowl and serve.

  • Feel free to add some nutritional yeast and lemon juice or Apple Cider Vinegar for the dressing.

  • Enjoy x x


Tangy Crab, Chilli and lemon zoodles


How to turn one tray of roasted vegetables into three different dishes - meal prep