Matcha Carob & Pistachio Pops

True to form I thought another matcha recipe was mandatory! I love the flavour of these protein balls, you can really taste the green tea coming through and the carob and pistachio compliment this perfectly.

You will need:

1 cup pistachios

1/4 cup of hazelnuts

1 tbsp matcha powder, I use Your Tea

1/4 cup of raisins

1/2 cup apricots

4 pitted medjool dates

1/2 tbsp honey

**Optional protein powder


  • Place the Pistachios and hazelnuts in a high speed blender. I like to leave a few larger pieces but it's personal preference. Place in a bowl, leaving 3 tbsp to one side (for dipping in later)

  • Place the rest of the ingredients into the blender and blend. Add in the pistachio mix and blend.

  • Place the mix into a bowl making sure the ingredients have combined thoroughly.

  • Roll into 1 tbsp balls and place onto a lined baking tray/container and then freeze for at least half an hour.

  • Melt some carob in a pan

  • Skewer the protein balls and dip them into the melted carob and pistachio mix which was put to one side

  • Enjoy x x


  • makes 12 balls

  • can be stored in the fridge for up to one week or frozen for up to three months


Pickled radish


Cinnamon protein balls with a secret ingredient