My 'go to' smoothie

Sometimes we are running late, too busy with no food in the house....we've all been there! I remember how frustrating it is when you cave in to that slab of high sugar banana bread on the way to work. "Do you want it toasted with butter?" Oh...go on then!

This is fine every once in a while and more importantly when its on your terms, when you can savour every last crumb after a healthy week and you deserve a treat. However, if its becoming somewhat of a ritual you might want to re-think your morning strategy.

I seem to get mild anxiety when I know there is nothing home-made or healthy in my freezer for a rainy day. I make home-made meals and freeze them and the same goes for fruit. I only buy fresh fruit and if I know I've bought too much I will prep it for the freezer. This can include: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, banana, mango cheeks, pineapple and I also love making herb ice good for left over herbs such as mint.

I call this my 'go to' smoothie because it is what I turn to when I have no fresh fruit in the house and I'm in a rush. It is really good for pre and post workout and very refreshing!

You will need:

1 cup of coconut water

1 cup of fresh (or frozen) blueberries and strawberries

1/2 a ripe banana

1 tbsp of shredded coconut

1 tbsp of chia seeds

1/2 cup of ice


  • Peel the banana

  • Place all of the ingredients into a blender

  • Blend until smooth

** feel free to add a protein powder into the mix. I use a vegan protein powder from BSC Naturals

**add some filtered water if the consistency is too thick


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