Roasted sprout salad


Don't worry I hated Brussel sprouts as a kid too! Now I LOVE them, they are so tasty when roasted and added to other ingredients.....I promise!!

I made this with Freekeh but if you are gluten free you could make it with will give it a more nutty flavour but will be just as delicious. Also I use vegan yoghurt (even though I'm not vegan!) just because I don't really eat dairy at home!

Freekeh is wheat but it is a great alternative to rice as it is super nutritious, high in fibre and loaded with vitamins (especially B1 and B2). It is also very low fat and is digested slowly in the body. It has a really nice smokiness to it and is almost chewy (in a nice way). It has been around for centuries but in the last few years has become very popular and is almost seen as a superfood. I love it!

You will need:

10 x brussel sprouts, peeled and halved

18 x baby carrots

4 x shallots, peeled and halved

6 x garlic cloves (still in the skin)

2 tsp cinnamon

6 x fresh thyme sprigs

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp chilli flakes

Coconut oil

1 cup Freekeh (or Quinoa)


1/2 cup of roasted hazelnuts

1/2 cup of vegan (or natural) yoghurt, I use coyo is coconuts

the juice of 1/4 lemon

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1-2 tpsp olive oil

salt and pepper


1/2 cup spinach

1/2 avocado

1/2 cup blueberries


  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C.

  • Place brussel sprouts, shallots, garlic and carrots onto a roasting ray. Sprinkle with the cinnamon, nutmeg and chilli flakes and coat with coconut oil. Roast in the oven for approx 20 mins.

  • Meanwhile cook your Freekeh (or Quinoa if you are gluten free). Place 1 cup of water into a pan and add 2.5 cups of water. Season with salt and pepper and lemon juice. Boil/simmer until all of the water has been absorbed. Place into a bowl and leave to cool for 10 minutes.

  • For the dressing place your hazelnuts onto a roasting tray and place in the oven for 10 minutes (150 degrees C).

  • Once roasted place the hazelnuts onto a damp tea towel and remove the skins. Then place them into a blender and blend to a rough chop.

  • Place 1/2 cup of yoghurt into a mixing bowl with the lemon juice, chopped parsley, hazelnuts (leaving a small amount for sprinkling on top) and season with salt and pepper. Add the olive oil in slowly and make sure the mixture is combined

  • Place your roasted veggies in with the freekeh and add your 'side ingredients'.

  • Top with the dressing and the remaining hazelnuts

  • Enjoy x x


Oaty vegan yoghurt pots


Socca mozzarella & greens