Roasted Vegetable vegan skewers with Freekeh and spicy tomato salsa

 YUMMM!! Nothing beats roasted vegetable skewers on a bed of spiced warm freekeh. This dish is so good for you, is low fat and easy to prepare! I love the addition of the spiced tomato sauce - I usually mix this through the freekeh which makes something similar to a Freekeh risotto :)

You will need:

2 x onions

2 x zucchini

2 x eggplant

1 x red pepper (capsicum)

6 x cherry tomatoes

1 cup Freekeh

1/4 lemon

Olive Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar

Micro herbs (optional garnish)

For the tomato salsa:

20 x cherry tomatoes - roasted

4 x cloves of garlic - roasted

2 tsp smoked Paprika

salt and pepper


  • Wash your Freekeh thoroughly. Place into a medium saucepan with 4 cups of water and a dash of Apple Cider Vinegar. Bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer until cooked. Around 20 - 25 minutes. Drain any excess water and leave to one side in a large bowl. Dress with a dash of olive oil and the juice of a quarter of lemon.

  • Pre-heat your barbecue or griddle pan on a medium heat with some olive oil.

  • Chop and prepare your vegetables in big chunks, then skewer onto skewers.

  • Wash and prepare the cherry tomatoes and garlic for the sauce. Place into a roasting tray or straight onto the barbecue/griddle - roast until done.

  • Roast the vegetable skewers until char-grilled or cooked to your liking.

  • Place the tomatoes and garlic into a blender with the Paprika.

  • Serve the Freekeh and skewers onto plates. Feel free to drizzle the sauce over the skewers or into the Freekeh.

  • Season to taste

Enjoy x x


  • You could substitute the Freekeh for Quinoa, Cauliflower rice or brown rice

  • I have written and prepared this recipe for the Chefs Palate vegetarian/vegan menu. If you are pushed for time or need an extra hand in the kitchen you can order this meal kit in the coming months from their website (see link above). Chefs Palate has weekly vegetarian and vegan healthy, partly prepared meal-kit options for those who want to embrace healthy living but find it hard to prioritise going to the supermarket and spending hours in the kitchen (they also offer meat and fish options).


Pumpkin, potato and cauliflower thai curry


Morroccan spiced roasted sweet potato with cauliflower, kale and quinoa