Hot smoked salmon kedgeree

Kedgeree is something I have been  eating all of my life as my mum makes a really good version. Usually the fish is fresh smoked haddock poached in milk but I have had such trouble trying to find this in Sydney! I resorted to using hot smoked salmon which worked really well but you could use fresh salmon or any smoked or fresh fish really. The key is to cook it first before mixing it through and then I pop it in the oven to heat through.

If you haven't already noticed I rarely use rice but I am a big fan of Freekeh......but if you are gluten free you could make it with will give it a more nutty flavour but will be just as delicious.

Freekeh is wheat but it is a great alternative to rice as it is super nutritious, high in fibre and loaded with vitamins (especially B1 and B2). It is also very low fat and is digested slowly in the body. It has a really nice smokiness to it and is almost chewy (in a nice way). It has been around for centuries but in the last few years has become very popular and is almost seen as a superfood. I love it!

You will need:

Olive oil

1/2 long red chilli, sliced finely

1 clove of garlic, crushed

1/22 tbsp mstard seeds

1 tbsp curry powder

3-4 cups of cooked freekeh

2 eggs

200gm hot smoked salmon

1 cup frozen or fresh peas

1/2 cup of flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped

juice of 1 lemon

serves 2-3


  • Preheat your oven to 150 degrees C.

  • Meanwhile cook your Freekeh (or Quinoa if you are gluten free). Place 1 cup of water into a pan and add 2.5 cups of water. Season with salt and pepper and lemon juice. Boil/simmer until all of the water has been absorbed (approx 15 minutes). Place into a bowl and leave to cool for 10 minutes.

  • Add the garlic and chilli and heat for a few minutes. Add the mustard seeds and wait until they start popping, then add the curry powder and stir. Add the cooked Freekeh with 1 cup of water. Add in the peas, stir and leave to simmer for around five minutes (you want most of the water to be reduced).

  • Cook your eggs until hard boiled. Peel them and cut into quarters.

  • Add half of the parsley through the freekeh mix, the lemon juice, 1 egg and the hot smoked salmon.

  • Place the mix into a baking dish and arrange the remaining egg on top

  • Heat for around 10 minutes

  • Enjoy

  • x x


  • If you are vegetarian or vegan you can omit the salmon and/or eggs and enjoy this fragrant rice with a nice fresh salad or some beans or lentils.


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