Coffee body scrub

...and my take on Valentines Day. If you've been following my blog (for the 3 weeks its been live!!) you may have noticed I like to make things. Don't get me wrong, I love a nice shopping expedition too but when it comes to special occasions I'm a bit old-fashioned and  don't really understand what all the hype is about. Valentines Day is one of those times where, yes I think you should make your partner (and even your friends or family) know that you love them but if you're trying to get my attention (for the record I'm married) you can forget the grand gestures. I have always said to my husband 'if you don't get me a card, don't get me anything at all'....maybe thats a bit high maintenance but I really revel in the sentiments, much more than the lavish gifts.

On the flip side I love giving, especially when I know that I've made something myself. Anyone can buy a quick gift, but knowing someone has put some thought and time into creating something special can mean so much more (at least to me). This is an ever so quick and easy coffee body scrub with only 4 ingredients and I'm sure you'll have these things in your pantry! The coconut oil is so moisturising for your skin and the sugar and salt is so good for removing fake tan and exfoliating all of that dead skin away, also coffee is said to be great at reducing cellulite (yes, that gets my vote!).

I attached little spoons to mine to serve as practical and rather cute additions. Have fun making and creating these for your loved ones....and make sure you keep one for yourself!

You will need:

1 x cup of organic ground coffee

1/2 cup of coconut sugar

1/2 cup of celtic or himalayan rock salt

1/2 cup of coconut oil


  • Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. If the mixture is too dry add a touch more oil (but not too much!)

  • Decant into your glass jars

  • Enjoy x x


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