Retreat yourself box

Recently I was contacted by Retreat Yourself Box to contribute some recipes to their Spring Box :)Retreat Yourself Box is Australia's first and only seasonal health and wellness subscription box focused on self-care. The vision of Retreat Yourself Box is to encourage women to looks after themselves and their whole health, taking the much needed time out for themselves.

Each box is delivered at the start of every season and they feature 10-15 health and wellness products with a focus on natural and organic Australian Brands. These products are neatly tied together with the Retreat Yourself Day Plan, explaining how to create a day retreat at home using the products within the box.

The boxes also come with the Retreat Yourself Wellness guide, featuring recipes, workouts and yoga sequences and lifestyle articles from gurus across the globe. I was lucky enough to contribute to the recipe section of their wellness guide and I made a 'Grilled Nectarine, Burrata and roasted Hazelnut salad' and 'Tangy, crab, chilli and lemon zoodles' (please see pics below!)

Along with this awesome guide the Spring box included:

Some awesome natural beauty offerings

Some yummy natural and organic treats

Food and wellness vouchers

A wellness guide and a day plan to help you incorporate all of these amazing products into your daily life

If you would like to purchase a Spring Retreat Yourself Box then please head over to the website here


Small steps to improve your healthy lifestyle


My guide to eating mindfully