Discover how to adopt Mindful living through easy, step by step instruction and immersive experiences. Let’s be Mindful together.

To find out about Sophie’s Mindfulness workshops please go here.

How to create a mindful life : Swisse

‘Mindfulness’ is one of those words I find hard to define. Probably because it’s subjective and it can be based on emotion, experience, age, wisdom, priorities, timing, self-awareness and so on.

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Yoga...beginners perspective

Yoga is not something I have fully embraced up until recently. I have a tendency to stray towards more energetic, heart racing activities (like running, boxing, barre etc) but I know that the real benefit yoga has for me is on a mental level, which I don’t necessarily get from my other exercises.

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Be your own motivation

‘Fitness model’ was honestly something I never thought I’d add to my repertoire….I have had many unhealthy phases through my teenage years and twenties that…

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