Basic almond milk

I really didn't realise how easy 'nut milks' are to make until recently and you can create so many infusions and flavours to suit your taste or that dream smoothie you keep on thinking about. Almond milk is something I would always buy from the shop and end up throwing half of the bottle away a few days after opening it.

So here i've created my 'one serving' basic almond milk and some ideas for infusions for you to start creating in your healthy kitchen!

You will need:

1/2 cup of almonds, soaked overnight

300ml filtered water

1 x nut milk bag

Optional idea:

2 tsp maple syrup

1/2 tsp rose water

1/2 tsp vanilla powder


  • Place the almonds and water in a blender

  • Blend for a minute or so

  • Drain the milk through a nut milk bag (this makes the basic almond milk, easy!)

  • Add in the optional ingredients (I blended mine)

  • Enjoy x x

Infusions and Ideas:

  • Cacao

  • Matcha

  • Coffee

  • Maple Syrup

  • Lavender

  • Berries

  • Vanilla

Im using the Vitamix S30 blender and the Living Synergy Nut Milk Bag


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