Messy lettuce cups

Everyone is always telling me that they find it really hard to cut down on bread. I can understand why, its so easy to make sandwiches and take them to work, make some toast in the morning and buy that crusty baguette on the way home. None of these things are wrong, in Paris you will find me filling my face with fresh bread and croissants like there is no tomorrow! However, what does matter is what you put on the bread (lots of butter/mayonnaise/cheese possibly ??....probably not so good for you every day!) Which is why i LOVE lettuce cups, and you can easily take them to work (just pack the filling ingredients separately) and they stay nice a crispy.

You can put anything in them really, this was just something I rustled up last week at home.

Enjoy x x

You will need:

8 x cos lettuce leaves

30g Goats or sheeps milk cheese

30g home-made hummus

3 x medium boiled eggs, sliced

1/2 an avocado, sliced

1 carrot, julienned

1 x cooked beetroot, sliced

sprinkling of activated nuts and seeds

10 x cherry tomatoes, chopped

1/2 a lime

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

**optional Nutritional yeast


  • Boil the eggs to your desired liking. I like mine medium boiled.

  • Add the carrots, cherry tomatoes and beetroot into a bowl, dress with oil, vinegar and lime and sprinkle with the nuts and seeds, give it a good stir.

  • Wash and prepare the lettuce. Slice the avocado and plate up the hummus and goats cheese.

  • Peel the eggs and slice.

  • Load everything onto the lettuce in any order and enjoy.


Basic almond milk


Berry & kiwi smoothie