Vegan citrus cookies

 I'm not vegan but I have found my overall health and skin improve since cutting down on dairy. I can't remember the last time I drank cows milk and now that i've seen the ease in making my own fresh nut milks I can't see myself ever going back. I love making vegan or vegetarian treats so that I can limit my dairy and refined sugar intake and eat a more natural diet.....I'm NOT saying that these cookies are 'healthy' but if I'm going to eat something sweet I would much rather it was naturally sweet and full of good fats than not.

You will need:

2/3 cup of almond flour (or almond meal)

1/3 cup of coconut flour

1/4 tsp of bicarbonate of soda

1/4 tsp of himalayan rock salt

1/3 cup of honey (or maple syrup)

1/3 cup of coconut oil

2 tsp of orange blossom water


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.

  • Sift almond flour, coconut flour bicarbonate of soda and salt in a large bowl. Grate the lemon zest into the bowl and stir.

  • Mix the oil, honey (or syrup) and orange water with a mixer or blender (I used my Vitamix).

  • Add the wet mix to the dry mix and stir through

  • Roll the mix onto some baking paper. Sprinkle with coconut flour if the mix is particularly wet. Place some baking paper on top and pop into the freezer for 10-20 minutes to cool. I did 3 batches 0f these cookies and I found the thickness the trickiest part! Roll them to a similar height of a digestive biscuit. If they are too thick they will still be too soft in the middle.

  • Line a baking tray with baking paper.

  • Remove the mix from the freezer and cut the cookies. Place them onto the baking tray.

  • Pop them into the oven for 5-10 minutes (or until the edges are golden)

  • If you want to ice these with vegan/organic/gluten free icing you can!

  • Enjoy x x

Baking Accessories from Williams Sonoma


Banana and mango smoothie bowl


Vegan v'day chocolates