Spicy vegan almond chai

Recipe for vegan spicy almond chai....my favourite cuppa!

You might already know that my battle with Rosacea has left me without my beloved coffee, every morning I will have a cup of black chai or earl grey tea and that is my fix! For a while I felt completely out of the coffee loop, going to the cafe every morning was part of my routine and now it seemed pointless just to go for a cup of tea! Recently though I've found so many places serving my new favourite thing: almond chai :)

This is not something I drink often but if I happen to be strolling past Orchards Street or Organic Avenue I might just treat myself! I had a go at making my own and loved the outcome so thought I would share it with you :)

You can find my post for basic almond milk here and home-made makes all the difference! you can use chai tea bags or buy loose leaf and fill your own tea bags if you have them.

You will need:

350 ml of almond milk

chai tea bags

sprinkling of nutmeg

sprinkling of cinnamon

1/4 tsp of vanilla powder

1 tsp of maple syrup

cinnamon sticks *optional


  • Brew the tea in a small amount of boiling water

  • Heat the almond milk in a pan to warm

  • Place the almond milk in a blender (such as the Vitamix) and add the nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla powder and syrup. Blend to a nice frothy mixture.

  • Place the tea and water in a mug and top with the almond milk.

  • Decorate with a cinnamon stick

  • Enjoy x x

Mug from Pottery Barn | Cinnamon sticks from Williams Sonoma


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