Meal prep 101 - road trip

MEAL PREP FOR A ROAD TRIP XX. This will be my first in a series of 'meal prep' posts I'll be doing (see bottom of page)

You could say I'm a control freak (....understatement!) and as you know from my previous posts I hate being caught out eating bad food when its not on my terms. Cue service stations.........need I say more? The drive from Sydney to Melbourne is around 10 hours and the food choices along the way are minimal if you don't want to venture too far off the freeway. We do the trip fairly often.....some have been organised....some have not! After last time I vowed to be prepared for every future road trip as I came back feeling so bloated and lethargic and generally disgusting.

So, this is what I would usually rustle up for 2 people. I know it looks excessive but usually not all of it gets eaten and I like to have some fresh fruit to hand and tea etc when we arrive :)

Luckily, on the way back we are stopping off overnight so the journey will only be around 5 hours each day! Otherwise I would probably bring back some fresh fruit/juices and try and get my hands on something the day before (like a salad/soup/quinoa sushi from a healthfood cafe)

I hope this gives you some inspo for your next road trip!


You will need:

Low-fat yoghurt or yoghurt alternative

1 tbsp shredded coconut

1 tbsp activated buckwheat

selection of fresh fruit (I like berries and mango for brekkie!)


1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa

8 broccollini heads

1 x carrot, chopped

1 x zucchini, chopped

1 x onion, diced

1 x clove garlic, crushed

1 cm piece of ginger grated

10 x mushrooms, chopped


**could add in protein such as fish/chicken/tofu if you want


  • Fry off the onion, garlic and add the ginger.

  • Add the broccollini, zucchini, carrot and mushrooms. Add in a splash of tamari and stir-fry for a couple of minutes.

  • Add in the quinoa and cook through

  • Done!


8 leaves of baby cos

6 x cherry tomatoes

2 tbsp sweetcorn

1/2 a carrot sliced into sticks

1/2 an avocado sliced

50g hot smoked salmon **optional

2 tbsp of home-made hummus with a sprinkling of sesame seeds


Fresh fruit (I especially like berries, mango, watermelon)

Tea bags (for when you do stop at a service station....mmm I love my tea!)

Seasoned Nori squares

Bliss Balls (usually I would make my own but these are organic/raw vegan/gluten/dairy free so ok if you run out of time!)

Drinks: I usually take coconut water and filtered water (and my beloved tea!)

Enjoy x x

This will be my first in a series of 'meal prep' posts I'll be doing! Seeing as this road trip was coming up I thought it was a good opportunity to start here, however I'll be doing more for meal prep 'on the go', 'for work', 'for the week' and so on. Please let me know if there is anything you really want to read about next regarding meal prep!

I use snapware containers and love them!


Breakfast bowl


Spicy vegan almond chai