Vegetable, lentil and chickpea curry

I know summer is coming but I still like to cook the occasional curry....also I like to make a big batch so that I can stock up my freezer for when I fancy the night off! This is my go-to basic curry that I make all the time and I like to make it with Freekeh as it's full of protein and I also know it freezes really well so you can make individual portions ready to go!

I top mine with a bit of coconut yoghurt and you can mix this with coriander or spices if you want more of an indian flavour.

You will need:

1 brown onion, sliced

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1 sweet potato, diced into small cubes

10-15 button mushrooms, sliced

1 zucchini, sliced

1 carrot, peeled and sliced

1 broccoli, broken into florets

10 cherry tomatoes, whole or sliced in half

2 tbsp mustard seeds

2 tbsp ground cumin

2 tbsp turmeric

2 tbsp ginger

1 red chilli

1-2 tsp chilli powder

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

4 tbsp of coconut cream

Olive or Coconut oil

Freekeh or brown rice to serve

a handful of spinach leaves to serve

roughly chopped coriander

salt and pepper

serves 4 - 6


  • Place your onion, garlic and chilli in a deep pan on a moderate heat. Fry for a couple of minutes in olive or coconut oil.

  • Add your sweet potato, zucchini, carrot and mushrooms to the pan. Allow to 'catch' for a few minutes.

  • Add your mustard seeds, cumin, turmeric, chilli powder and ginger to the pan and cook off for a few minutes.

  • Add your chopped tomatoes and coconut cream and around 100ml of water.

  • Add your broccoli and cherry tomatoes to the pan and stir. Check the consistency, if you want it a bit thicker add some more coconut cream if its too thick add a splash more water.

  • Reduce the heat and add the lid. Cook this on a low-medium heat for around 20 minutes.

  • If you need to cook your rice/freekeh or quinoa do so now.

  • After 20 minutes check the vegetables to see if they are cooked. If so add in your spinach and a handful of coriander

  • Serve onto the rice/quinoa fresh and top with the coconut yoghurt.

  • Season to taste

  • Enjoy x x


  • Feel free to change the vegetables as you see fit.

  • This works just as well topped with natural yoghurt. Try to steer clear of the 'low-fat' options and keep it natural


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