Rosacea my story - new skincare I can use for my Rosacea!

So excited to write another post about my Rosacea struggles, you can find my initial post here.

Recently I've had so many flare ups and it is so distressing. The thing is, with Rosacea it is so unpredictable. One week I can have a glass of wine and everything is fine, the next week I can have a glass of wine and it looks like I have hives! I find when I am stressed things trigger my Rosacea much easier. This includes skincare and makeup and I find myself reacting to everything which is SO frustrating. Sometimes it's so bad I don't want to leave the house!!

When I find skincare that works for me I get so excited and I want to share this love with you so that any other Rosacea sufferers out there can benefit from my experience too. I was shopping in my favourite place Mecca Cosmetica and the lovely girls there were telling me about this skincare brand Radical. I had heard of them before but never tried their range. I asked for a sample and got in touch with Radical when I got home.

Radical is a skincare brand developed in the USA by sisters Liz and Rachel. Rachel had a similar experience to mine with Rosacea and when I contacted the brand I got a reply back from Rachel herself which was such a nice touch and made me feel like I'm part of the 'Rosacea Community' :) Rachel developed Rosacea after having her second child and had red bumps all over her face and was completely inflamed. She was on the 3 types of medication that the doctors said she would be on for life. Liz had turned 46 and realized that gravity was real, noticing wrinkles, loss of elasticity and felt like her skin wasn't snapping back to the way it use to. They both decided that this was the perfect storm and called upon their chemists and scientists and challenged them to create the most powerful anti-aging solution for Liz that could be used on Rachel's sensitive skin. With no regard to costs and with no intention of selling this youth elixir to the larger public, they identified the prime defect in most anti-aging formulas they corrected it, perfected it and then clinically tested it. The results spoke for themselves. A USDA lab compared their formulas to numerous leading skincare brands* and the potency results were unbeatable.

Rachel said she would send me three products to try. The enzyme peel, the Moisturiser and the Sunscreen. I had sampled the moisturiser (which goes on like silk can I just say) but I hadn't tried the other two. This is not a reflection of the brand but I am honestly so dubious about any skincare and I was going to try the other two products with caution. To my surprise they all work magnificently and leave my skin feeling moisturised but not sticky in any way. The enzyme peel is amazing and removes dead skin within a few minutes and the sunscreen is so soft and light and a MUST here in Australia. As I've mentioned before sunscreen has been my biggest problem as I react to all of it so it's great to find one I can actually use now :)

I have tried quite a few different skincare and makeup brands but I only ever post ones that are Rosacea friendly. Yes I was gifted these products but if I reacted I wouldn't share them with you! I have been using Radical for just over a week now and the results have been amazing. I will keep you updated with how my skin is improving whilst using these products and I'd love to hear if you are using Radical skincare too!!

You can buy Radical skincare directly from their site here.

Or if you are in Australia from Mecca here.

If you want to learn more about Rosacea here is a quick rundown of the condition:


Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition which principally affects the face and is more common among fair skinned people usually from English, Welsh, Scandinavian or American descent, however its also becoming common in many parts of Asia now. There are many signs and symptoms associated with Rosacea such as: Flushing (blushing), facial skin hyper-reactivity, constant redness, spots and pimples, inflamed blood vessels and swelling. Unfortunately, experts are still unsure as to what the causes of Rosacea are, however some contributors may include: light skin colour, family history, abnormalities in facial blood vessels and many other triggers.

One of the triggers can be stress/anxiety and when I first developed Rosacea I was in the final year of my Law degree (which was fairly stressful!) other factors could include sun exposure, coffee, wine, spicy foods, vigorous exercise, hot baths (all the things I love!) or just a combination of these things. I decided to stop drinking coffee which was so hard…I used to be drink around three cups a day so deciding to stop was quite a big deal but I noticed a BIG change with no coffee.

I would love to hear your feedback on this post or if you are a fellow sufferer of Rosacea! x x


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