Getting back into training after an injury

Oh this year has been so funny! For the last six months I have been out of action with a top of femur/hip stress fracture. It has been so hard to wait until I am good to start training again as exercise is such a huge part of my life. With this type of injury I really didn't want to push it so I've waited longer than needed to make sure I am fully recovered.

Along this journey I have met some amazing people who have helped me SO much so I thought I'd put together some of the things and services that have helped me start my training regime again :)


  • Movement Coaching with Strength in Motion - ever feel like you are only ever moving in one plane and activating the same muscles? Yes, me too! Being a runner I find my movements to be quite static with not much variation. Matt from Strength in Motion has helped me work in different planes and activate areas which have been dormant (for me glute and hamstrings).I have been focusing on mobilising my hips and the training has not only made them feel lighter and more mobile, but also has taken the pressure off my lower back, knees and brought my Glutes back to life! I am at the beginning of my program but already I have noticed results. My hips in general feel lighter and I feel like my joints are looser and more moveable. More details of Matt's approach to recovery can be found here.

  • Waveblade - Matt from Strength in Motion has also developed the awesome 'Waveblade' (i'm sure you've seen me using this on my insta stories!) - no this is not just another foam roller, this is something I can safely say I need in my training kit. The waveblade accelerates recovery, enhances movement efficiency, boosts circulation and improves muscle health and function. The awesome design means it can target all areas of the body and the pattern of the blade gives superior muscle and fascia engagement. I have been using the waveblade on my hip flexors, my hamstrings, my glutes and adductors. LOVE this item, it seriously is essential for my fitness routine.

  • The Body Mechanic - as the name suggests this is a place to go for awesome physiotherapy along with exercise physiology, running gait assessment, strength and stability classes and a bike fitting service. I see Elliott for my physio here and I'm planning on getting my running gait assessment with Mark soon (OMG - so desperate to start running again!)

  • Personal Training - I have known Dean from Get a Grip Fit for years and I respect and believe in his approach to training. Dean has been helping me with slow, easy movements to help with my recovery. I've still got a long way to go but having a good trainer and someone you trust is so important when you are getting over an injury.

Personal Tips:

Being out of action for six months has not been easy and I am nowhere near my optimum strength. There are times where I have felt like a lot of my hard work has gone to waste and times where I have felt defeated. If you are going through this too, here are some tips to make you feel positive again :)

  • Wake up with gratitude: not easy to practice when all you want to do is curl up and feel sorry for yourself BUT if you can get past that feeling it will help you feel more balanced and centred. Reminding yourself about what you do have (friends, family, surroundings, work, a healthy mind, intelligence,) and also reminding yourself about all of the qualities, skills and achievements you have have. This will help you feel empowered and ready to tackle the world (injured or not).

  • Meditate: meditation has saved my mental health the last few months. I personally practice really small, 15-20 minutes at the morning and the same at night to help me go to sleep. If you are new to meditation I would highly recommend Smiling Mind App. I often use their sleep meditations as I find the voice calming and settles my mind. I also find when I go to sleep meditating I have a deeper more satisfying sleep.

  • Diet: when I'm not training I find my diet suffers, anyone else feel the same? I feel like the two go hand in hand so when I'm in a position where I can't train naturally my diet takes it's toll. Not for long though, I got back on track with Eat Fit Foods reset plan and then soon enough I was back to my old ways of meal prepping, making smoothies and eating nutritious, well-balanced food!

  • Be active: no its not a typo! I know you're injured but find out what you can do. I have done a lot of walking and I've found its helped my injury but also it's made me re-connect with nature and appreciate my surroundings more.

  • Don't rush: I know its frustrating but take it slow. Don't make the mistake of rushing back in to training and making your injury worse. Put that hard work in, along with the patience and you will be stronger than ever in no time!

  • Stay positive: Instead of focusing on the things you can't do focus on all of the little achievements along the way. Set yourself (realistic) goals and when you achieve them congratulate and reward yourself.

Photography: Rob Mulally

I hope you have enjoyed this post!! Please let me know your feedback below or on my social channels x x 


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