Discover how to live an eco-friendly and sustainable life. Sophie is embracing slow fashion, natural homecare products, natural beauty and a waste-free mentality. She prioritises travel to eco-friendly resorts and is committed to reducing her carbon footprint.

Come and join her on her journey.

The perfect trans-seasonal outfit

I had such a good response from this outfit on Instagram that I thought I’d share it with you! This time of year creates a few fashion dilemmas….you’re itching to wear those winter layers but its still too mild and those sheer summer dresses…

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The little black bag edit: #lbb

Black, white and neutrals are my wardrobe staples and seemingly the same goes for my handbag collection. I’ve never really felt the need to blow $5000 on a designer handbag (and to be honest I most certainly don’t have that amount of spare cash lying around)…

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The key to training smart

HOW TO KEEP THINGS INTERESTING IN YOUR TRAINING REGIME x x I thought I’d do a quick post on what I do to keep motivated and dedicated to my training!

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How to look chic in sneakers

As promised in my last post, I would try and get some more ‘style’ edit’s for you! My blog is still so young I feel like you don’t really know me yet in terms of my style and this post is a bit different from all of the rest (although I’m still wearing my beloved stan smith sneakers…..I will get to heels soon!)

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Bondi Bonds

STYLE POST ON BONDS x x I hope you all had an amazing Easter long weekend and are feeling inspired, excited and motivated to get back to clean living again!

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The plain tee: Bonds

Whats not to love about a plain tee? You can dress it up or down and it will be your style staple throughout the year! Even though it’s ‘just a plain tee’ you can get so many different looks from this under-rated necessity that I’m sure everyone owns!

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Albion Fit

Albion Fit recently contacted me to feature some of their beautiful activewear. Upon checking out their site I really saw a company committed to producing fashionable but practical pieces (I love that) which can transition from the gym to more leisurely activities…

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Escape to hobart

I thought I’d do a quick post about my recent trip to Hobart. Hobart is the capital of Tasmania and sits nestled between the river Derwent and the beautiful Mount Wellington.

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New style obsession - SAUCHA

Living in Australia means you need to find your ‘go-to’ bikini designers. I had never really had this problem before I moved here, my yearly holiday to somewhere hot was always teamed with a swimsuit I had picked up from the airport or next to the hotel upon arrival.

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Escape to hotel hotel

As you may have read on my meal prep post we recently headed down to Melbourne on a road trip. On the way back we decided to cut the 9 hour journey and stay in Canberra overnight…

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First base...

STYLE FILE. xx Its so easy to wear something knowing it is created just down the road at Bondi Beach. ‘This is first base’ is an iconic Sydney brand fusing simple pieces with a sports luxe, edgy feel!

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Shoulder statement

When a new ‘trend’ hits its hard to tell in the beginning whether it will just be around for a season or so or it’s worth investing in! I have a feeling that this off the shoulder trend that I have fully embraced this summer might be around for a while 🙂

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So…its been over a month ago that I started my getting back into it phase. I’ve pretty much only been eating clean and since January the 1st I’ve run every second day which has been tough but achievable.

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Casual friday

It’s clearly no secret that I love my sneakers and even better that they are now considered a ‘luxe’ staple in your sports closet! I love my new stan smiths and teaming them with ripped jeans and beachy hair is definitely win win for me!

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Getting back into it...

Towards the end of last year I had really dropped my training regime as other commitments took over and I wasn’t prioritising my diet and exercise at all (which is not like me!). I actually gained 5kgs…

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Sportluxe staples i'm loving

There is such an amazing choice of off-duty ‘athleisure’ gear at the moment that I had to share with you some of my new favourites 🙂 (finally I got my hands on a pair of stan smiths….they have sold out every other time I’ve gone to buy them…so happy!)

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I don’t think I remember a time where sportswear has been so accepted. Wearing some Nike dunks and cotton harem pants was never something I would envisage me stepping out of the house in.

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Off duty

If I could describe my style the things that come to mind are: monochrome, easy, masculine, clean lines with elements of luxe thrown in. I have always been obsessed with fashion to the point my mum refused to go shopping with me as a teenager…

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My Vitamix

If you follow me on Instagram you will know only too well that I love my smoothies, in fact I think I’m an addict! In mid 2014 I was extremely lucky to get the Professional series Vitamix as a present…

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Escape to Qualia

As if the crystal clear, warm water and white sand of Hamilton Island wasn’t enough…..when I stayed on this hypnotic island only a few weeks ago I wondered how it could get any better.

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